+27 12 808 9930 [email protected]


At Eagles Pride, we invest our time and energy in ensuring that our products and services are the best in the poultry industry.

We’re truly passionate about what we do, and we have been fortunate enough to have had some of that passion and hard work recognised within our industry. Over the years, Eagles Pride Hatchery has been recognised within the poultry industry with the following accolades:

2017 – 2019

In 2020, Eagles Pride Hatchery was proud to receive the CEVA Avec Excellence Award for 2017 to 2019, a prize celebrating our vaccination performance.


*Cobb awarded the Eagles Pride Zandfontein farm the prize for best breeder performance in 2016. Our flock E034 was chosen as the best flock for 2016, beating out the competition!

Cobb Champion Award Exceptional Performance 2015


Eagles Pride Hatchery was recognised as a Cobb Champion, receiving a prize for exceptional performance in the category of number of chicks produced in 2015.


*Eagles Pride was thrilled to receive the Golden Comb award from Cobb SA for the best breeder performance for the 2015 year.

2011, 2013, 2014

*Eagles Pride was pleased to be awarded the Golden Comb Award for the Best Hatchery Performance for Hatcheries larger than 350 000.


*From 2007 to 2010, Eagles Pride was proud to receive a number of accolades from Cobb, including winner of the Best Hatchery Performance as well as runner up in the same category.

*The Cobb Golden Comb awards have since been discontinued